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Student Teacher Contract


This is an informal contract between Body Equilibrium Studio (BodyEQ) and yourself. By working with BodyEQ, you agree to the following:

  • As a student teacher you agree to teaching classes at the student rate until ready to become an apprentice. Until then as a student teacher you will not be earning but getting practice to gain confidence to then achieve earning power. This can take 2-6 months depending on how regularly you practice in our space and your confidence levels.

  • You agree to not teach Pilates at any other studio in Nairobi while being a teacher in our studio.

  • If you want to teach a studio client in your home or their home it will have to go through the studio as a studio class.

  • You agree to take the utmost care for the studio's equipment and space. When in doubt how to use equipment properly please ask someone with more experience before attempting to use when not sure.

  • Always show up with an attitude of learning and sharing. We work as a team and giving each other constructive feedback to ensure quality in our work.

  • At BodyEQ we value open communication, honesty and compassion amongst many others. This is essential to a united and supportive Team.

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